
JAKARTA - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the results of Wang Yi's visit to the United States (US) to the agreement between the two countries wanted to stabilize and improve China-US relations.

"During the visit, both parties, in the spirit of equality and mutual respect, established deep, constructive and substantive strategic communication on various issues of common interest, both sent positive signals to stabilize and improve China-US relations," Wang Wenbin said when delivering information to the media., in Beijing, China reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 30.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on August 26-28 2023 visited the US and met US President Joe Biden, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, held two rounds of talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and also met with representatives of the US strategic and business community.

"The two countries agreed that dialogue between China and the US is important and necessary and hoped that bilateral relations could be stable as soon as possible and move towards improvement," Wang Wenbin added.

It is planned that the two heads of state will also meet at the APEC Summit, in San Francisco, USA to continue the talks.

"Both parties must return to refer to the Bali meeting seriously, act based on mutual understanding, overcome disturbances and obstacles, expand understanding and accelerate the outcome of the agreement," said Wang Wenbinpula.

In the coming days, the two countries will hold a meeting of China-US on maritime affairs, arms control and non-proliferation, foreign policies, and the China-US Coordination Meeting on disability and discuss the signing of a memorandum of understanding of cooperation in the field of disability. Both parties also agreed to further increase the number of direct flights.

"Foreign Minister Wang Yi said both sides must work to stabilize China-US relations from further worsening, and bring relations back to a healthy and stable track as early as," said Wang Wenbin.

Looking back at the changes that have occurred in China-US relations since early 2023, Wang Yi said there was a "five must" as key to China-US relations.

"The key is to follow the 'five must'. Both parties must follow the mutual understanding reached by the two heads of state; must stabilize bilateral relations; must maintain open communication channels; must manage differences, disputes and friction well; and must prioritize mutually beneficial cooperation," said Wang Wenbin.

Wang Yi also stressed that the biggest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is Taiwan's "independence", which is also the biggest challenge in China-US relations.

"Wang Yi said it (Taiwan independence) must be firmly opposed and these efforts must be reflected in US policies and actions. Wang Yi also outlined China's serious stance on the South China Sea issue and both sides also exchanged views on the Palestinian-Israeli, nuclear conflict between Ukraine and the Korean Peninsula and others," said Wang Wenbin.

Meanwhile, the US, according to Wang Yi, appreciates his relationship with China, including maintaining interaction in recent months and making honest and constructive communication.

"The US side hopes bilateral relations will be stable and sustainable and willing to strengthen communication with China to prevent misunderstandings, explore cooperation in areas that require cooperation, make good preparations for the next high-level exchange phase between the US and China as well as and together to overcome global challenges," said Wang Wenbin.

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