
JAKARTA - Police are still investigating the cause of death of father and son, Hamka Rusdi (50) and his baby girl, AQ (2) on Jalan Balai Rakyat Tiga, Tugu Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta. Because until now the Police Hospital is still investigating the two bodies. There are no results yet.

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan revealed, the results of the interim examination revealed that there were wounds on the baby's face and forehead.

"There are wounds on the face and forehead (but). There are no visible visible injuries," said North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan to reporters at the North Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, October 30.

Therefore, continued Gidion, his party is still conducting a more in-depth examination to determine the cause of death of the baby.

The 3-day death rate we will continue to do network tests to see the significant cause of death. That's what we want to test again. Is the wound significant to the cause of death. Death between possible beds fell. We are still seeing that," he said.

Meanwhile, the body of his father Hamka Rusdi (50) who was declared dead 10 days ago, is still being investigated regarding the cause of death. Because it was stated that there was blood around the victim's body, but no open wounds were found on Hamka's body.

There was blood around his body. But no open wounds were found. This then we have to do another forensic test, which is forensic histopathology, then forensic toxicology," he said.

On the other hand, regarding the victim's wife's body, NFH (32) was seen with bloodstains. However, the blood did not come from his body.

"There was no injury. There were bloodstains attached to his body. But it was not from his wife's wound. We have to wait for the results of the blood forensics from whom," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the alleged quarrel in the victim's household, Gidion was reluctant to speculate because he was still waiting for the examination process.

"That's part of the investigation. It's a very subjective confirmation. Now it's an orientation on science. That's why we apologize for not rushing to convey. This must be scientific and everything is clear," he said

Gidion said that his party was checking CCTV at the scene. He said that the team of investigators was investigating when the victim communicated last on October 18, then.

"The CCTV has just been extracted, it has just opened. CCTV from 18 (October) here. Why 18? Because from a communication footprint, approximately that date communicates with the family," he concluded.

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