
JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) at the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) demanded 6 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 500 million Account Director of Integrated Account Department of PT Huawei Tech Investment, Mukti Ali. Mukti was found guilty in the corruption case of BTS 4G Bakti Kominfo. "Imposing a sentence against the defendant Mukti Ali for 6 years was completely reduced by the length of time the defendant was detained with an order that the defendant should still be detained at the detention center," said the prosecutor in the trial at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN), Monday, October 30, was confiscated by Antara. Mukti was charged with violating Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code. Meanwhile, the things that incriminate the defendant did not support the government's program in the context of organizing a state that is clean from corruption, collusion, and nepotism. "The defendant's actions together with other defendants have resulted in state financial losses amounting to Rp8,032,133,1795,51," said the prosecutor. As for the things that lightening Mukti Ali is that the defendant has never been convicted, being polite during the trial, and not enjoying the proceeds from criminal acts of corruption.

This trial of charges was held in conjunction with the demands of two other defendants, namely Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy Irwan Hermawan and former President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia Galumbang Menak Simanjuntak. Irwan Hermawan was sentenced to imprisonment for 6 years, while Galumbang Menak was charged with 15 years. The defendants were suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption in providing 4G base transceiver station (BTS) infrastructure and support infrastructure packages 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 BAKTI Kemenkominfo in 2020 2022. In the indictment it was stated that a number of parties benefited from the development project, namely former Kominfo Minister Johnny G. Plate received money amounting to Rp17,848,308,000,00; former Bakti Kominfo President Director Anang Achmad Latif received Rp5 billion; and Indonesian University Human Development Expert Yohan Suryanto received Rp453,608,400,00.00. Furthermore, Irwan Hermawan as Commissioner of PT Solitechmedia Sinermegy received Rp119 billion; Windi Purnama as Director of PT Multimedia Berdikari Sejahtera received Rp500 million; Muhammad Yusrizki as Director of PT Main Base Prima received Rp50 billion and 2.5 million US dollars; The FiberHome Consortium of PT Telkominfra PT Multi Trans Data (PT MTD) for Package 1 and 2 received Rp2,940,870,480,00; the Huawei SEI Lintraarta Consorium for package 3 received Rp1,594,955,00; and the IBS and ZTE Consortium Package 4 and 5 received Rp3,504,518,715,600,00.

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