
JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) has given several recommendations to the public regarding prevention to handling cases of monkeypox.

The first recommendation is related to prevention starting by avoiding physical contact with the suspected Mpox patient so that transmission does not occur.

"More than 90 percent of transmission through close contact and especially sexual contact. Avoid physical contact with suspected Mpox patients, not using shared items such as un washed towels, un washed clothes, or sharing beds, toiletries and sleeping utensils such as bed sheets, pillows, and others," said the Head of the IDI MPox Task Force (Satgas) dr. Hanny Nilasari, Sp DVE in Jakarta, Sunday as reported by Antara.

Furthermore, doctor Hanny also suggested that populations that fall into the category of high risk, for example, have multipartners, and are in immunocompromised conditions (autoimmune, other chronic diseases) as much as possible avoid risky behavior.

He emphasized to the high-risk group that they can have safe and healthy sexual relations through the use of condoms and vaccinating.

Furthermore, for the general public, if you experience symptoms in the form of skin lesions that are not typical and preceded by fever, it is recommended that you immediately visit and consult a doctor.

Along with the provision of recommendations for the community, Doctor Hanny also conveyed several recommendations that need to be made by medical personnel in terms of prevention to handling the disease.

He said that if a suspected case of monkeypox was found, medical personnel would need to conduct an initial examination in the form of interviews about the development of disease (anamnesis).

After that, medical personnel must carry out a detailed and complete skin lesion and organs (PF) examination, as well as a swab examination, namely a special lab examination by taking liquids from lenne / keropeng / skin disorders.

He also suggested that related to antiviral drugs and vaccines, it should be done decentrally at the Regency or City Health Office which is appointed with a flow of demand in accordance with the provisions set by the Ministry of Health and given for indications and priority scales.

Finally, of course, the increase in education to the public regarding this disease must be further disseminated so that monkeypox can be prevented from spreading.

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It is recorded that monkeypox has entered Indonesia, for the Jakarta area based on data from the DKI Jakarta Health Office on Friday (27/10) there have been 15 people with positive cases.

In more detail, 1 case was declared cured and 14 other cases were active positive cases and were still undergoing isolation at the hospital.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health has also provided the MPox vaccine which has been given to 251 people from the target of 495 people.

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