Robbed By Robbers Riding Satria FU, Head Of Ojol Driver Broken In Kemayoran
The scene of the incident in the house of an ojol driver who died as a victim of robbery/ Photo: IST


The robbery that killed the victim again occurred in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta. This time the victim is an online motorcycle taxi driver (ojol) named Bong Fie Mpt Mempawah (70).

Victim Bong Fie Mpt Mempawah died in the hands of a robber while crossing Jalan HBR Motik, Gunung Sahari, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. The victim suffered a broken head injury after falling from the motorbike he was driving as a result of being snatched.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police, AKP Fauzan, said that the perpetrator of the crime was snatching the victim's bag but it was unsuccessful. The victim fell and suffered lacerations to the back of the head, abrasions to the face and legs.

"It's true, the victim died on the spot," said AKP Fauzan when confirmed, Sunday, October 29.

Furthermore, AKP Fauzan said the victim was a resident of Jalan Kartini 73B, RT 04/02, Kartini, Sawah Besar. The case of the death of the ojol driver is handled by the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the Kemayoran Police.

"We are also checking CCTV and asking for information from several witnesses who knew about the incident," he said.

The incident began when the motorbike driven by the victim was suddenly grabbed by the perpetrator using a black Suzuki Satria FU motorbike riding together. The perpetrator then tried to snatch the victim's bag but to no avail, the victim fell to death on the spot.

Regarding the incident, AKP Fauzan emphasized that his party would take firm action against the perpetrators of the crime. According to him, the perpetrator's actions cannot be tolerated because he has committed criminal acts until there are victims.

"This cannot be allowed, we will hunt down this perpetrator. The victim died on the spot," he said.

Meanwhile, from the testimony of one of the eyewitnesses to the incident, Boyadi said, the perpetrator used a black Suzuki Satria FU motorbike. There are two people riding together.

"The perpetrator pulled the victim's bag, so the black bag was stuck in the neck. The bag was pulled and made the victim fall and dragged to the asphalt. The victim's head hit the pavement and died at the location," he said.

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