
Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Ahmad Basarah said there was no difference between PDIP cadre Adian Napitupulu, PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani, and PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto regarding the addition of the presidential term.

Instead, he said that the three made clear the request.

"After I read Mbak Puan's statement, Adian Napitupulu's statement as my chairman in the Volunteer Coordination Team, and Mas Hasto's statement as secretary general did not conflict with each other. The statements of the two complement each other and the three are true," Basarah told reporters at the PDIP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Saturday, October 28.

Basarah explained that Puan's statement was true because President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had never directly asked for an additional term from two terms to three.

"And what Bung Adian explained were statements that emerged from President Jokowi's assistants," he said.

"I think on Google we can see the digital track record of many President Jokowi's government officials conveying their ideas, their desire to change the presidential term from two terms to three," continued Basarah.

Then, Hasto also confirmed the request through another party. Moreover, said Basarah, his colleague had immediately asked the official who voiced the request.

"So there is no difference, let alone the conflict of statements conveyed by Mbak Puan, Bung Adian, and also Mas Hasto Kristiyanto. Because in fact the three terms are factual, we can see," he said.

Previously reported, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto opened up 'Pak Lurah' asking for an extension of the presidential term to three terms. He even said that this statement could be checked with other parties.

This was conveyed in response to the statement of the PDIP cadre, Adian Napitupulu, who said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s attitude had changed because the party bearing the white-nosed bull symbol rejected the discourse.

Initially, Hasto explained that he knew the discourse of extending the term of office from a minister when he heard the news when he was out of town. He then tried to clarify directly.

Previously I met with the minister and it was confirmed that the attitudes of the general chairmen of several parties who voiced it, yes, as a request from the Lurah, "said Hasto to reporters at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, Friday, October 27.

Hearing this, PDIP then took a refusal. "We, together with the Indonesian people, chose to be upright in the constitution," said Hasto.

Hasto ensured that his statement could be accounted for politically, legally, and also before God.

"That it does exist through other parties which are then voiced to PDIP But our attitude is to be consistent in placing the constitution as a very fundamental rule of the game, which we must follow," he concluded.

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