Sukabumi Police are hunting for the alleged perpetrators of the Alfamart minimarket robbers in Bojonggenteng District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, which was masterminded by the former minimarket employee for some time.
"From the results of the development of the minimarket robbery case which occurred on Friday, October 6, 2023, three robbers were carried out. Of the three suspected perpetrators, one has been arrested and one is still on the wanted list (DPO)," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Maruly Pardede quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 26.
The two suspects who were arrested were LR (24) and RBP (24). The suspect LR was arrested in less than 24 hours, while RBP was arrested on Monday (16/10) at his hiding place in Karawang Regency.
From the results of the examination of the two suspects, it was revealed that RBP was a former Alfamart employee who was robbed. So that in carrying out his actions the suspect already understands the ins and outs of the former minimarket where he works.
According to Maruly, in carrying out the action RBP together with his two colleagues chose the time when the minimarket would close or around 22.00 WIB. The three perpetrators immediately entered and threatened two employees and arrested them.
RBP, who already knew the ins and outs of the minimarket, then damaged the CCTV digital video recorder (DVR) to eliminate evidence. Then take tens of millions of rupiah and hundreds of packs of cigarettes and other goods.
"The team is still in the field to hunt down another perpetrator, but we have arrested the mastermind of this robbery, namely RBP," he added.
The two suspects were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning Violent Theft, which carries a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison.
The motive for this robbery is said to be due to economic difficulties, but until now the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim investigators are still developing it.
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