
YOGYAKARTA - The pair for presidential and vice presidential candidates Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD presented a "QR Code" which is a digital document containing their vision, mission, and work programs if they are later elected in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). What do you think about Ganjar Mahfud's vision and mission in the 2024 presidential election?

Melanesia dari ANTARA, dokumen fisik beserta versi soft copy' yang dapat diunduh lewat "QR Code" itu dibawa oleh Ganjar dan Mahfud saat mendaftarkan diri sebagai bakal capres dan bakal cawapres ke KPU RI di Jakarta, Kamis.

We have provided several documents, there are visions, missions, and programs that we have described. InSya-Allah, the public will be able to read very easily, because there is a barcode, and later all those who read using barcodes will be able to see the existing details," said Ganjar.

So, what is the vision and mission of Ganjar Mahfud in the 2024 presidential election, let's discuss it below.

In the 62-page document, it is stated that the couple's vision is Towards Indonesia's superior fast movement to create a maritime country that is fair and sustainable

The vision was outlined in 8 missions, one of which was to accelerate the development of a career economy based on knowledge and added value.

The mission was sent down again to part of the program. One of them is the acceleration of the completion of the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara in Kalimantan.

"The commitment to continue the development of the capital city of the archipelago gradually until IKN becomes a new balance point for justice and development as well as a futuristic symbol of Indonesia," the document quoted.

Ganjar was also known to have several times said his opinion about the IKN project that was announced by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi). One of them was when he had a dialogue at the XVI National Working Meeting of the Association of Indonesian City Governments (Apeksi) in Makassar on July 13, 2023.

Ganjar said moving the capital city from Jakarta on the island of Java to the archipelago in Kalimantan would realize Indonesia's dreams in the future. According to him, the relocation of the nation's capital is not only physically moving, but also changing the behavior of Indonesian citizens in the future.

He also hopes that Indonesia's growth center can be fully distributed to various regions.

"Later there will be behavior, there will be stories about the green economy and the blue economy in the big design that is there. The hope is that usually if the sugar is placed there, the ants will come. So then what was proposed earlier how Kalimantan was managed, it's time for us to talk," he said.

Millions Of New Jobs Every Year

Another program is tens of millions of new jobs. With this program, Ganjar-Mahfud wants to justify the absorption of the new workforce every year and reduce the number of unemployed in Indonesia.

"Ensuring the absorption of the new workforce every year and reducing the number of unemployed to reach the optimal level of employment, so that all people can work quickly," reported the document.

So after knowing Ganjar Mahfud's Vision Mission, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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