
The Head of the Padang City Environment Agency (DLH), Edi Hasymi, claimed that the fog that enveloped Padang was a shipment from four neighboring provinces.

"This smokefall comes from four provinces, namely South Sumatra (Sumsel), Bengkulu, Jambi, and Riau," said Acting Head of DLH Padang City, Edi Hasymi in Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Sunday, October 22, which was confiscated by Antara.

Edi said hundreds of hotspots from the four neighboring provinces had an impact on West Sumatra, especially Padang City.

Even on Thursday, October 19, he said, the air quality in Minang's area worsened or was in the yellow category, aka unhealthy with 104 numbers.

On Thursday, October 19, most of the areas on the east coast of Sumatra Island including Dumai City, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Siak Regency, East Tanjung Jabung and Bayuansin, were categorized as unhealthy.

He added that the air quality in Palembang City and Ogan Hilir Regency is at a very unhealthy level.

As a result of the many hotspots in a number of neighboring provinces, he continued, caused the smog to get thicker and also affected the city of Padang. This condition is further exacerbated by the absence of rain for several days.

However, he continued, on Saturday, October 21, the air quality in Padang City began to improve due to the rain for two consecutive days in a number of areas, including Padang.

"On Saturday (October 21) the ISPU through the Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) equipment was recorded at 87 in the medium category," said Edi.

As of Saturday, October 21 at 23.00 WIB, four hotspots were observed with a high level of confidence in the South Sumatra Province. The local government appealed to the public to remain vigilant and take precautions.

Prevention that can be done such as using a surgical mask or an N95/KN95/KF94 standard mask that can screen 2.5 micrometer dust particles.

Then to prevent the condition of air quality from worsening, the local community is advised not to burn anything, including garbage. It is intended to restore air conditions like before the occurrence of smog.

Sebagai informasi terkait nilai ISPU, masyarakat dapat memantaunya melalui website Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) di

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