JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto appealed to residents to be wise in using social media (Medsos) ahead of the Indonesian democratic party, namely the 2024 election. "Welcoming elections, maintaining unity by not using mosques for practical politics, being wise in using social media, don't be easily provoked and use the right to vote, you can't get involved," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, October 22. In addition to social media issues, Karyoto also highlighted social issues that were troubling residents, namely brawls and drug abuse, so parents had to better supervise their children. Our child's insight so as not to fight, not to abuse drugs, including monitoring the use of game gadgets that could encourage acts of violence," he said.
Karyoto also advised parents to invite their children to worship regularly in mosques. "By inviting young people to the mosque, we can form a generation that is obedient, intelligent and caring for others," he said. The former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK also conveyed this Fajr Keliling program to improve friendship and worship values and in creating a situation ahead of the 2024 election eagle. "Prayet Fajuh is traveling to maintain friendship and maintain ukhuwah Islamiyah to create security and order in society," said Karyoto.
Chairman of the Cut Mutia Mosque Foundation H Benny Suprihartadi said the presence of the Kapolda and his entourage at Subuh this time at the Cut Mutia Mosque would give us encouragement to worship istiqomah.
"Prayers for the Police in supporting carrying out their duties with the best results to be able to create security and protect the community," he said. Benny said this step was not only a form of concern, but also to strengthen relations between the police and the community.
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