
JAKARTA - Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto said his party agreed to propose Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) accompanying Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). This agreement was taken after the internal party held a meeting on Friday night, October 20.

This was conveyed by Airlangga at the Golkar Party National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) which was attended by the General Chair of the Gerindra Party as well as a presidential candidate from the Advanced Indonesia Coalition.

"Last night, sir, we had a meeting for a long time, it was quite warm. But everyone was very concerned about proposing, I first asked, proposing and supporting Mas Gibran Rakabuming Raka for us to pair it with Pak Prabowo as a vice presidential reading," said Airlangga in his speech in front of Prabowo as an invited guest at the Golkar Party DPP, Saturday, October 21.

"Do you agree?" asked Airlangga afterwards.

Agree! The party cadres who attended shouted.

Airlangga then asked for approval from all party representatives in the province. "Aceh agreed? Papua agreed? Sulawesi agreed? NTT agreed? West Java agreed? Banten? Central Java? East Java? Bali? NTB? Kalimantan? " he asked.

"Agree!" shouted the cadres.

"Pak Prabowo, everyone agrees," he said

In addition, Airlangga also asked about candidates under 40 or under 40 years old.

"There is one thing we have to ask too, under 40?" asked Airlangga.

"Agree!" shouted the cadres.

After this, Airlangga then closed Rapimnas. 'Pak Prabowo, if everyone agrees, can I immediately knock?'

"Bismillah, then I knocked out the Golkar Party proposal which I will hand over to Mr. Prabowo and this is to bring Pak Prabowo to the meeting of the party chairman forum," Airlangga concluded while tapping the hammer, accompanied by applause from cadres.

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