
BANDA ACEH - The Bireuen District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Aceh, has increased the investigation into alleged corruption in village funds or the gampong (village) expenditure budget with a value of Rp. 2.6 billion.

"The investigation into the village fund corruption case has been increased to the investigation stage after the investigation prosecutor team found evidence of a criminal act," said Head of the Bireuen Kejari Munawal Hadi as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 19.

The alleged corruption that began to be investigated includes the use of the gampong income and expenditure budget in Dayah Baro Village, Jeunib District, Bireuen Regency, 2018 to 2020 budget year.

The budget is sourced from the Bireuen and APBN district expenditure (APBK) budget. For the 2018 fiscal year it is IDR 795.4 million. In 2019 it was IDR 865.6 million and IDR 960.5 million in 2020.

Allegations of unlawful acts in the use of the budget include volume shortages in construction work and irregularities in the management of village-owned enterprises from 2018 to 2020.

"Deviation in the management of village-owned enterprises because the use of the budget cannot be accounted for. The irregularities in construction work include infrastructure development in the village in three fiscal years," he said.

The investigative team collaborated with the Bireuen Regency Inspectorate auditor team and the construction team of the Bireuen Regency PUPR Office to inspect construction work financed by Gampong Dayah Baro village funds.

"The results of the examination found state financial losses of Rp550 million. The investigative team also continues to work to collect evidence to reveal who the suspects are," said Munawal Hadi.

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