
JAKARTA - The vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin believes that his journey together with the future presidential candidate (candidate) Anies Baswedan can change Indonesia's fate going forward. This was said by Cak Imin at Nasdem Tower, Menteng, Central Jakarta, October 19 morning, before they registered to the General Election Commission (KPU) building. He said, since declaring on September 2 and then traveling to the East and West Indonesia, he has heard a lot of input and criticism from the public. "I heard that I saw and I was convinced that the Indonesian people missed the realization of change. We want Indonesia to be more just prosperous and prosperous," said Cak Imin. He said, together with Anies, he toured and captured the pulse and even the voice of the heart, which had been delivered behind closed doors. A hope that was kept closed by thehu and obedience to piety and the nrimo ing pandum.

"As soon as we arrived, the silent hope turned into a wave of desire to change for the better," he explained. Finally, Cak Imin thanked those who had helped support the AMIN pair in the 2024 presidential election.

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