The West Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) conducted an examination of a woman with the initials BMN (16), the alleged perpetrator of burning the red and white flag which had gone viral on social media on Monday, October 16.
"The perpetrator has been arrested and is undergoing examination by the Director of Criminal Investigation of the West Kalimantan Police," said Head of Public Relations of the West Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Raden Petit Wijaya, in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Tuesday, October 17, as reported by Antara.
He explained that the arrest of BMN after the West Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Pipit Rismanto received information from the public about the video of the burning of the red and white flag that allegedly occurred in Pontianak.
The video of the burning of the red and white flag circulated on social media accounts on Monday, October 16.
For this incident, the West Kalimantan Police Chief ordered the Dirreskrimsus to immediately reveal the perpetrators and spread the video of burning the red and white flag so that there would be no noise in the community.
According to Petit, from the results of the investigation, the Cyber Team of the Dirreskrimsus Polda West Kalimantan managed to secure BMN, which was the perpetrator of burning the red and white flag as well as the maker and spreader of the video of the burning of the red and white flag.
Based on the results of the examination, BMN carried out the burning of the red and white flag in an empty house at the Bank Duta Complex, Jalan Dana Sentarum Pontianak, which is not far from the suspect's residence, Saturday, October 14 at around 16.00 WIB.
"The perpetrator admitted that he burned the red and white flag on his own accordance just for fun and wanted to go viral," said Petit.
Petit also conveyed from the statement of the perpetrator's parents (BMN's father), that BMN once wanted to kill his younger brother by tying his sister's neck with a tie, after being examined by the doctor in question, he was diagnosed with a mental disorder.
For this reason, said Petit, the 16-year-old perpetrator underwent a special examination by the West Kalimantan Police.
"The West Kalimantan Police Team is still investigating and requesting medical records and information from psychiatric specialists at the UPT of the Pratama Sungai Bangkong Pontianak Clinic and at the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit," said Petit.
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