
JAKARTA - The Cakung Police are still investigating the case of the burglary of a leather bag shop. Based on CCTV evidence, the police have pocketed the identity of the perpetrator.

"The examination of witnesses and CCTV is in the process of being investigated," said Cakung Police Chief Kompol Panji Ali Candra when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, October 17.

Kompol Panji admitted that the victim had made a police report. Based on the report, the Criminal Investigation Unit is still investigating the perpetrators.

"The victim has made a report. The perpetrator is still under investigation based on witness testimony and CCTV around the location," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a leather bag shop in the Pulogadung area, Cakung District, East Jakarta was successfully burglarized. The victim suffered losses of up to Rp 80 million.

According to information from Ita (37), the shop owner, the burglary took place on Friday, October 13. He lost 100 merchandise with a total price of Rp 80 million.

"More than 100 display items were taken by the perpetrators," he said, Sunday, October 15.

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