BOGOR Reveals the murder case of a student at SMK Baranangsiang, Yubelia Noven Cahya Rejeki (18), Satreskrim Polresta Bogor, West Java, matching the alleged perpetrator's face with population data and civil registration (dukcapil).
Noven is a victim of stabbing by a teenage man who was caught on CCTV belonging to a resident around the stairs of the Grand Mosque of Housing, Jalan Riau, RT002/RW003, Baranangsiang Village, Bogor City, West Java, on January 8, 2019.
"There has been CCTV stabbing. Now it is in the matching stage at the Dukcapil Service," said Head of the Bogor City Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Rizka Fadhila, in Bogor City, West Java, Sunday, October 15.
The sharpening of surveillance camera footage was carried out by the Center for the Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (Pusinafis).
The Bogor City Police Satreskrim reopened the case of investigating the Noven murder case after the case had stopped for more than four years. Previously, the Bogor City Police had also received assistance from the FBI to uncover the case.
The murder case has again become a discussion on social media because some netizens believe the perpetrators should be revealed and arrested because there is evidence in the form of surveillance camera footage.
Rizka said the investigation into the murder case against Noven continued to progress in identifying evidence of surveillance camera images. The police stated that the evidence for the surveillance camera was low in resolution, so it was necessary to sharpen it by Pusinafis.
He added that the face of the alleged perpetrator was weak electronically detected because the surveillance camera resolution was low.
By sharpening the image on the surveillance camera, the face of the perpetrator began to be juxtaposed with several faces in the population data to find the identity of the perpetrator.
The police will also recall witnesses who met the perpetrators before the stabbing incident.
"Witnesses who have passed by will be called back for questioning again. It could corroborate the results of the CCTV sharpening, it could be that it is not suspected that this was the perpetrator he saw," said Rizka Fadhila.
In the surveillance camera footage as well as the statements of several witnesses who had met the alleged perpetrator, the perpetrator is suspected of having been waiting for the victim at the end of the alley where the incident occurred, precisely on the steps of the Grand Mosque of Housing.
In the recording, the alleged perpetrator is a man wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and black trousers. The perpetrator allegedly stabbed victim Noven's left chest with a sharp weapon in the form of a badik. The stabbing occurred at 15.55 WIB.
The victim is known as Yubelia Noven Cahya Rejeki, a class XII student at the Baranangsiang Vocational School Clothing School, born in Bandung, November 30, 2000.
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