
PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto has said the figure of Vice President Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election can be announced before registration to the KPU on October 19, 2023.

GoGo Founder Bangun Negeri Emrus Sihombing assessed Mahfud Md as a strong figure to accompany Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 Presidential Election.

"Mahfud is the most suitable to accompany Ganjar if his focus is on law enforcement in the government for the next 5 years," said Dr. Emrus Sihombing in Jakarta, Saturday.

Ganjar Pranowo, he said, had three potential companions in the election depending on which focus he would pursue.

If you pursue law enforcement issues, according to him, Mahfud is a suitable figure because of his capability, integrity, and courage in law enforcement.

In addition, Mahfud is strong on the academic side and suitable to be a companion if the orientation focuses on law enforcement.

"Jokowi's government is good on the other hand, and indeed for law enforcement it is rather good," he said.

Emrus said that the Ganjar and Mahfud pairs could provide a better law enforcement program than the previous leaders.

If you want to focus on defense, security, and foreign relations, he continued, the right person is Andika Perkasa.

If he focuses on economic issues, he considers Sandiaga Uno to be the right figure because of his strength there. In addition, he also has a party that carries him into the coalition.

"For Erick Thohir to accompany Ganjar, it is unlikely because he is not part of the coalition," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, October 14.

He said the electoral numbers of the three figures did not have a slight difference so they did not provide sharp electoral differences.

According to Emrus, the most important thing is what programs will be offered later in the vision and mission of the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs in the next 5 years.

"The program submitted in the campaign will later become the back-up of votes in the election," he said.

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