Attorney General ST Burhanuddin transferred a number of positions as stated in the decision of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia No. 272 of 2023. There are seven high prosecutors who will be transferred and filled with new faces. One of them is the Head of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, Sarjono Turin.
In his new position, Sarjono will fill the position of Secretary to the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence at the Attorney General's Office.
Meanwhile, the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office will be filled by Yulianto. Yulianto previously served as Head of the Functional Technical Education and Training Center at the Education and Training Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Office in Jakarta. Yulianto's old position will be filled by Heri Germany.
Not only Sarjono Turin has been highlighted because he has not completed the LHKPN, there are several positions in the High Prosecutor's Office that have changed.
Seperti Heri Jerman yang sebelumnya menjabat Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Bengkulu menjadi Kepala Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Teknis Functional pada Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia di Jakarta.
Heri Germany's old position will be filled by Rina Virawati, who was previously the Deputy Head of the Banten High Prosecutor's Office in Serang.
Hendri Antoro, who was appointed Head of the West Jakarta District Attorney's Office in Jakarta, and Safrianto Zuriat Putra, will serve as Head of the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office in Jakarta.
In addition, the Head of the Depok District Attorney's Office will also be filled with new officials, namely Silvia Desty Rosalina, who previously served as Head of the National Asset Recovery Division at the Attorney General's Asset Recovery Center for the Republic of Indonesia.
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