
The protection and fulfillment of disability rights in ASEAN is carried out comprehensively including aspects of education, health, provision of jobs and social protection. This comprehensive handling is needed so that people with disabilities can be independent at the same time to increase their dignity and dignity.

This is one of the main problems that arise in the ASEAN High Level Forum on Inclusive Development of Disabilities and Partnerships after 2025 or The ASEAN High Level Forum (AHLF) on Enabling Disability-Inclusive Development and Partnership beyond 2025.

The international event which took place in Makassar, October 10-12 2023, was attended by 13 state representatives from ASEAN, observers and representatives from other countries.

The participants of this forum consisted of the Minister and Senior ASEAN Officials who were responsible for social welfare and development in related sectoral agencies, ASEAN-affiliated entities and partners. AHLF 2023 is one of the ASEAN Summit series under the chairmanship of Indonesia.

A number of speakers appeared on the first day of AHLF which focused on identifying challenges in ASEAN to strengthen the development of disability inclusiveness. Various problems were also discussed as well as learning from the impact of the pandemic on the lives of people with disabilities.

In his opening remarks, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini said that disability is not only an issue in ASEAN, but also a world issue because the number of people with disabilities is quite large. In ASEAN, there are around 62 million people with disabilities. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, there are around 22.9 million people.

For this reason, AHLF invites participants from the United States, Britain and Australia to see how ASEAN countries have tried to handle disabilities well as well as discuss and exchange experiences.

"We hope that through this AHLF, the handling of disabilities in ASEAN can be even better in the future," said the Minister of Social Affairs in front of the media after the opening session in Makassar, Tuesday, October 10.

Present at the meeting, Chairman of Commission VIII RI Ashabul Kahfi said that his party really appreciated the steps taken by the Ministry of Social Affairs in organizing the AHLF.

In Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities, the government is indeed encouraged to cooperate with many parties so that they can provide better services for people with disabilities.

This service is very important so that people with disabilities can be independent as well as to raise the dignity and dignity of persons with disabilities. "The Ministry of Social Affairs, so far, pays great attention to the rights of persons with disabilities. From a budget of around Rp. 80 trillion, some are used to empower persons with disabilities," he said.

Fulfillment of disability rights is an effort to realize the design of Indonesian human development where no one is left behind, including disabilities. This statement was conveyed by the Deputy for Coordination for Social Welfare Improvement, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture Prof. Nunung Nuryartono.

According to him, the Ministry of Social Affairs has so far designed many programs so that people with disabilities can get out of extreme poverty.

"The President has announced that in 2024 there will be no more extreme poverty. That is our common target," said Nunung. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Disability Association Norman Yulian, on the same occasion, appreciated the seriousness of the government, especially the Ministry of Social Affairs in realizing an inclusive and disability-friendly Indonesia.

The government has also tried in various ways to form an inclusive Indonesia, including for persons with disabilities, both in the education and employment sector. "Our hope is that through the AHLF, a master plan for handling disability for the ASEAN region can be designed," said Norman.

Regarding the implementation in Makassar, the Minister of Social Affairs said the presence of guests from various countries was also used to promote unique and very diverse Indonesian tourism.

Tourism destinations in South Sulawesi are very unique because they are related to human civilization. This tourism potential is very rare and extraordinary so it should be promoted throughout the world," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

It is not easy to optimize tourist destinations for people with disabilities because the government has to prepare its infrastructure. However, this can be done by Indonesia. The tourist destination to be visited by the AHLF delegation is very friendly for people with disabilities.

"Starting from planning to work, everything is done by people with disabilities so that it suits their needs. This step is also to show that they are actually capable if given the opportunity," he said.

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