
JAKARTA - Commission IV of the House of Representatives highlighted the clashes between Seruyan residents, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), and the police during a demonstration related to oil palm plantation conflicts. The government was also asked to pay attention to the demands of residents who demonstrated because they did not get their rights to get plasma from companies that received land use permits in the area.

Clashes between residents and police occurred in the oil palm plantation area of PT Hamparan Masawit Bangun Persada (HMBP) in Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, last Saturday (7/10). In the aftermath of this clash, a resident was killed and two others are currently undergoing intensive treatment at the hospital due to critical conditions allegedly due to hot lead launched by police officers.

"After on the island of Rempang, now there have been clashes between the authorities and the residents during the demonstration. This is something very regrettable, especially when there were fatalities who died," said Member of Commission IV of the DPR, Daniel Johan, Tuesday, October 8.

"It is important for the police to carry out their duties professionally and respect human rights," he continued.

The incident began when residents held a demonstration at the HMBP plantation which demanded the fulfillment of the promise of 20 percent of plasma plantations and forest areas outside the Right to Use Business (HGU). The police also guarded the action, until finally there were clashes in handling residents' demonstrations.

Daniel also asked the Government to pay attention to the demands of citizens regarding obligations that must be given by Big Private Companies (PBS) and Industrial Plant Forests (HTI) as parties that have obtained land utilization permits.

The residents' demands are to fulfill the promise of PT HMBP as the holder of the HGU permit for the obligation to provide 20 percent Plasma gardens for local residents. However, for decades, this obligation has not been realized, thus making residents furious and holding demonstrations in PT HMBP's oil palm plantation.

"This problem occurs because the company does not fulfill its obligations to residents. The company's urgency to run plasma 20 percent becomes a trigger and triggers social conflict with the local community," said Daniel.

Commission IV of the DPR in charge of Forestry and Plantation affairs hopes that the central government will intervene to resolve the ongoing conflict. Moreover, said Daniel, the problem between PT HMBP and residents has been going on for a long time.

The year's review of the people there demanded their rights, but they were not heard either. This means that there has been intentional neglect. And if the local government's warning is also not heard, it means that the Central Government must step down to solve this problem," he said.

Daniel also asked the Government to be firm considering that due to violations committed by the company, many people became victims.

"Just mention the HGU if it does not meet the existing plasma and regulations. The government must pay attention to the demands of the people. Do not let the company's profits, the people who are disadvantaged," said Daniel.

The DPR hopes that the settlement of the cause of this plantation land conflict can end the problem between Seruyan residents and the company. That way, said Daniel, there will be no more victims.

"We hope that conflicts like this don't need to happen again, and we need the best solution by prioritizing the interests of the residents. Especially because the demands of the residents have been fought for for for a long time," said the legislator from the West Kalimantan I electoral district.

Regarding the repressive elements of the apparatus, Daniel asked for a thorough investigation. He also reminded the police to prioritize humanist elements when dealing with residents.

"In addition, the government or companies involved also need to be committed to implementing the principles of sustainability and understanding social responsibility," said Daniel.

The Central Kalimantan Police rejected that their members used live ammunition while securing a demonstration. The police claim that their members are only equipped with tear gas and rubber bullets.

With these two different statements, Daniel encouraged an investigative team to form an investigation team to determine the cause of the death of the victim and the injured residents.

"To ensure accurate information and facts disclosure, an investigative team must be made which also includes institutions outside the police. This is done to prove the professionalism of the National Police when guarding demonstrations," explained Daniel.

The involvement of related institutions in conducting investigations is considered very necessary to ensure transparency in case handling. Daniel thinks that the involvement of institutions outside the police such as the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Komnas HAM and Kompolnas is important in ensuring accountability for investigations.

"That way, the law will run as it should. So later there will be no impression of blunt justice up and down. This can be evidence of reform within the Police," said Daniel.

"And also involve regional figures and local community protection agencies. Their presence as representatives of significant citizens so that the voices of the local people can be voiced," he continued.

If it is proven that a member of the police has violated the rules during the demonstration, Daniel encourages the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to impose strict sanctions on the perpetrators. Moreover, the National Police Chief as the top leader of the National Police once guaranteed that he would take action against his members who committed violations.

"If there is negligence or violation during the handling of the demonstration in Seruyan, then someone must be responsible in accordance with the applicable law in this country. In addition, this incident is a lesson for the Police to make improvements," said Daniel.

Furthermore, the DPR hopes that the police ensure that the security of every demonstration of residents is carried out in a firm but fair manner. Daniel asked the authorities to prioritize conflict resolution by deliberation.

"In the future, it is also important to take preventive steps so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future. Dialogue with the community and understanding of the problems that underlie the demonstration need to be improved," he explained.

"It must be remembered that the task of the police is to protect and protect the community, not to use an individual as a tool to suppress the community. The police must be able to mediate or bridge if there is a problem," concluded Daniel.

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