
The National Police held Operation Tribrata Agung 2023 to secure the holding of the Archipelagic and Island State (AIS) Summit for the 2023 Forum in Bali on 10-11 October 2023.

Kasatgas Tindak Operasi Tribrata Agung 2023 Brigadier General Pol Waris Agono menuturkan pihaknya memetakan sejumlah titik pegamanan selama forum internasional tersebut berlangsung.

Several points that are of concern to security are the airport, the travel routes of the delegates to the AIS Forum 2023 Summit venue.

"Then there are also tourist attractions when on the sidelines of a delegation visiting tourist attractions and shopping places we sterilize and carry out security," Waris said in his statement, Sunday, October 8.

In addition to security in Bali, the National Police also carried out security on sea crossing routes. Around areas such as West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and East Java also carry out security by holding enhanced routine police activities.

Waris instructed the personnel on duty to always remember the principle of carrying out tasks, namely procedural, professional, and proportional. Members are also reminded to respect human rights and humaneism, so that actions should not be excessive.

"Unless there is an immediate threat of aggression. If it is still passive and active, there is no need for excessive violence. We will start with an appeal. But if it is not heeded, we will take action with soft bare hands, namely we will evacuate," he said.

In this operation, the National Police divided several Task Forces, one of which was the Action Task Force. Waris said the Action Task Force had prepared security a week before the implementation of the AIS Forum 2023 Summit.

"We have made preparations for this security from afar, even we had made a shift in infrastructure here to make preparations," he said.

Waris explained that the Action Task Force will later be tasked with anticipating, handling and taking action in the event of a contingency event during the AIS Forum 2023 Summit.

"Such as social conflicts, terrorism, or crimes that use senpi, explosives, bombs and drones that are not registered in the agreed antidrone forum," he said.

In its security, Command Center 91 will use 18 applications, starting from monitoring the plane's flights, weather conditions to conditions on the ground. There is also a face recognition application containing a database of people search lists (DPOs) or people suspected of preventing criminal acts.

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