
JAKARTA - Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuluba said the United States' support for his country had not diminished, not worrying about temporary funding laws passed by the US Congress last weekend, although it did not mention aid for Ukraine.

"We don't feel the US support has decreased, as America understands what's at stake in Ukraine is much greater than just Ukraine," he said on Monday.

"This is a matter of world stability and predictability and therefore, I am sure we will be able to find the necessary solutions," he said.

Foreign Minister Kuleba further said the question was whether what happened at the US Congress last weekend was an "incident or a system".

"I think it was an incident," he said.

"We had very in-depth discussions with the two members of the Republican and Democratic Congress. And with a potential closure background, the decision was taken as it was," he said.

"However, we are now working with both parties in Congress to ensure that this does not happen again under any circumstances," he said.

It is known that aid from the United States and other Western allies is very important for Ukraine to counter the invasion launched by Russia in February 2022.

As previously reported, it is known that aid from the United States and other Western allies is very important for Ukraine to fight the invasion launched by Russia in February 2022.

The bill, which was passed with broad support from the Democratic Party and Republicans, sparked Republican hardline politician Matt Gaetz, pledging to overthrow Chairman of the House of Representatives and his party mate Kevin McCarthy.

Valid until November 17, the bill does not include aid for Kyiv. Meanwhile, Uncle Sam's country is Ukraine's main supporter to deal with the Russian invasion, with President Biden continuing to garner support to defend the aid.

President Biden said Republicans promised to provide assistance through separate votings.

"Under no circumstances can we allow America's support for Ukraine to be disrupted. I fully expect McCarthy to maintain his commitment, to secure the path and the support needed to help Ukraine, as they defend themselves against aggression and brutality," President Biden told reporters at the White House.

When asked if he could trust McCarthy to honor the deal, President Biden said: "We just made an agreement on Ukraine, so we're going to find out."

Meanwhile, a White House official said President Biden was referring to a Republican pledge to pass separate laws on the matter.

Last month, President Biden assured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a visit to Washington, US support for the Ukraine war to expel Russian occupation forces, despite opposition from some Republican lawmakers.

President Biden also urged Republicans to move quickly to avoid another crisis in November.

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