
BIMA - A fire vehicle (damkar) with police number EA 8132 S belonging to the Bima City Government, had a single accident on Jalan Soekarno Hatta, Monggonao Village, Mpunda District, Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), two firefighters were killed on the spot and one critical.

The accident began when Bima City Firefighters, each Nasrudin (45), Ahmad Fatoni (40), and M Lalu Muhamadin (30), were about to extinguish the fire in Pane Village at 15.30 WITA.

The car was driven at high speed to arrive at the scene. However, at the corner of Soekarno Hatta, Monggonao Village, the vehicle suddenly swayed and rolled over.

"Initially we received information that there was a fire in Pane, but on the way to the TKP the fleet had an accident," said Ardin, Head of Bima City Fire Prevention. Sunday, October 1.

As a result of the overturning, the fire fighting vehicle was crushed by up to 50 meters which resulted in firefighters being thrown out of the car. Two firefighters, namely Nasrudin and Fatoni, died on the spot, while one person who was the driver, Muhamadin, was seriously injured and rushed to a nearby hospital.

"There was a victim of two members who died, one driver was in critical condition," he said.

Meanwhile, Bima City Police Traffic Unit officer Bripda Muh Indra Achsan revealed that his party was still investigating the single accident.

However, from the residents' information, the vehicle drove from the east to the west at high speed. Arriving at the corner of the vehicle suddenly rolled over.

"So this damkar runs from the east to the west, while it is in a bend at the corner. After that the car cannot be controlled and immediately rolled over," he said.

Local residents who saw the incident immediately evacuated the three victims. Heavy equipment was lowered to evacuate one of the bodies of the victim who was pinched by the vehicle's body.

"From information from the public, there were two who died and then we will check at the hospital," said Indra.

For the purposes of the investigation, the vehicle was immediately taken to the traffic unit of the Bima City Police. Meanwhile, one victim who was seriously injured is still receiving treatment at the hospital.

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