
JAKARTA A total of 1,351,390 liters or 1.3 million liters of clean water distributed by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bandung Regency, West Java for 51 villages spread over 20 sub-districts due to drought that hit the area. For the distribution of clean water is currently being carried out, because now there are many requests from residents due to drought, said Head of the Bandung Regency BPBD Emergency and Logistics Division Beny Sonjaya, Sunday, October 1. He said the distributed clean water assistance was aimed at 404,378 beneficiaries. The clean water crisis experienced by the community since it was declared a drought emergency status on September 25, 2023. seen from the many requests for clean water assistance from community residents and the large number of land fires," he said. BPBD Bandung Regency daily serves people who need clean water to drink until for bathing, washing and drinking (MCK) Especially for cooking and drinking, if drought in Banjaran and Arjasari areas is used for MCK as well because there the wells dry up, "he said.Beny reveals currently as many as 27 sub-districts experiencing moderate and four sub-districts experiencing high risk of drought.

Therefore, his party appealed to the public to be wise and frugal in utilizing the use of water to be sufficient in the current drought Emergency Response Status that is happening in the Bandung Regency area. "To anticipate the condition of the prolonged drought, the two governments must be responsive to this drought, so here BPBD comes by distributing water," said Beny.

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