
JAKARTA - The 2024 Presidential Decree Ganjar Pranowo continues to gain votes from various circles. Most recently, support came from the National Police's Grand Family (KBPP). The decision to support Ganjar was achieved by the National Police KBPP in his Rapimnas, last Thursday.

This was conveyed by the General Chairperson of the KBPP Polri Evita Nursanty in the Declaration of the Solidarity of the Putri-Putri Polri, at JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Friday, September 29. Evita said that 34 regional administrators participated in the rapidity.

Evita said that in the rapid national election which took the theme "Serving the National Leadership of Welcoming Indonesia Gold 2045", there were four points that were produced. Among them is the decision to support Ganjar Pranowo.

"The decision is that the National Police's KBPP unanimously supports Mr. Ganjar Pranowo, who is the son of the police. Ready to escort the dormitory child to the palace," Evita said in his remarks, greeted by the boisterous family of the Police who were present.

The submission also ignited the enthusiasm of the participants present. The 'Ganjar Presiden' plots continued to thunder and answered to both the administrators and the members present.

On that occasion, Ganjar shared his childhood memory as the son of a police officer. At that time, said Ganjar, life as a police family was far from luxury. Moreover, life moves to follow his father's assignment. From there, he actually learned about discipline and honed his mentality.

"Being a police child in that era his life was not flooded with wealth. There is simplicity, building discipline and mentality so that he becomes a strong child, not cry," said Ganjar.

The former Governor of Central Java also appreciated the support given by the National Police KBPP to him. In addition to being proud and honored, Ganjar hopes that the legacy of the spirit of vocation of the elderly will continue to be maintained.

"How to serve the community, how to maintain the rule of law and how to defend the weak," he said.

Apart from support, Ganjar advised the National Police KBPP to participate in maintaining the implementation of the 2024 General Election as stated in the rapid national decision. Especially not to spread hoaxes.

"You can't make hoaxes, we respect all opinions, talk good so that people understand that we are in the ranks of people who, God willing, will bring something good," he said.

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