
BANDUNG - The City Government (Pemkot) of Bandung, West Java (Jabar), has declared another period of extending the city's waste emergency until October 25, 2023. "After communication with the West Java Provincial Government, we will extend it until October 25, 2023. So last September 25 our emergency period ended, then we extended it in accordance with the coordination with the provincial government,” said the Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono in Bandung, Antara, Wednesday, September 27. During the extension of the waste emergency period, his party will issue a Mayor's Instruction (Inwal) and Circular (SE) related to waste management in Bandung City during an emergency period. "Jadi dalam waktu tidak lama, mudah-mudahan kami bisa sign Inwal, baik internal di pemerintah kota, juga surat circular yang nanti dilakukan bagi semua yang di luar pemerintah kota untuk melakukan pengelolaan sampah dengan baik,” katanya. Bambang hopes that the implementation of the emergency response status of waste in the city of Bandung will become a momentum for people to wake up and get used to sorting waste so that the waste problem in the city of Bandung can be resolved immediately. "“Therefore, during this emergency period, let's join hands together, including with the media, please educate all elements in the city of Bandung to be able to deal with garbage," he said. In addition, Bambang said that the Bandung City Government is still trying to find alternative waste processing, while waiting for the West Java Provincial Government's efforts to normalize the Sarimukti Waste Final Disposal Site (TPA). "We are still waiting for the West Java Provincial Government (to handle the Sarimukti TPA), but the pile of garbage continues. On the other hand, we have to move and can't fully wait," said Bambang.

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