JAKARTA - Residents of the former Kampung Bayam who live in tents beside the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) have been temporarily relocated to the Nagrak Flats. This transfer was carried out ahead of the U-17 World Cup.
Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta views that moving residents to live in flats is a form of government attention.
While waiting for certainty that they can live in Kampung Susun Bayam (KSB), residents called Heru need to live properly.
"(The handling) is still gradual. Of course, the local government pays attention to them to live properly, we give them a place in the flats," Heru told reporters, Tuesday, September 26.
Until now, residents affected by the eviction of JIS development still want to be able to live in Kampung Susun Bayam as promised by former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.
One problem that causes residents to not yet occupy Kampung Susun Bayam is the amount of the occupancy rental rate per month. This JIS eviction resident does not agree with the tariff offered by PT Jakpro BUMD as the manager of Kampung Susun Bayam because it is more expensive than what is desired.
For this, Heru promised that the DKI Provincial Government would gradually resolve the problems of the former Kampung Bayam residents, while they were staying for a while at the Nagrak Flat.
"Yes, their needs, as people live in flats, they do. Gradually, right. Slowly, I ask. Hopefully it can be finished. I will definitely pay attention," said Heru.
A total of 19 families who live in this JIS side tent began packing goods to move per day, assisted by PPSU officers.
For the sake of the U-17 World Cup event running smoothly, residents finally agreed to move by making an agreement with the Head of Papanggo Village, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta which stated that residents would still have the right to inhabit Kampung Susun Bayam in the future.
"As of today, we have moved, now we are socializing. We have a temporary contract agreement this morning until we get the KSB. From yesterday, it was actually ready to move, but we have to be black and white," said the Coordinator of the Urban Poor People's Network (JRMK), a companion to the former Kampung Bayam resident, Mirnawati, to reporters.
Meanwhile, the agreement letter states that the Papanggo Village Head as a government representative provides free transportation for the temporary transfer of 19 families to the Nagrak Flat.
Then, the government must also facilitate free transportation when residents can move from Nagrak Flats to Kampung Susun Bayam.
Then, the agreement letter also wrote that the government was obliged to facilitate the transportation of children from the former Kampung Bayam residents to JIS which is located close to their school.
"Later, after JIS they can spread to their respective school locations," he said.
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