
JAKARTA - Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and Legal Entities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) Judha Nugraha said that the condition of F, a citizen who was a victim of kidnapping in Malaysia has now improved. F, since last Friday, the Malaysian Police (PDRM) has been handed over to the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Penang. "Currently, F is in good condition and is in the process of recovering bruises," Judha said in his statement, Sunday, September 24. Judha said, Malaysian Police have asked F to show the people suspected of being involved in the kidnapping. Of the 13 people who have been shown by the police, F can identify 10 suspects. Now the suspects of the kidnapping have been arrested by the police. Currently, the alleged perpetrators are undergoing legal proceedings. KJRI Penang will continue to accompany F and monitor his legal process in Malaysia," said Judha. Judha said, The Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur received a complaint of kidnapping and torture against F, an Indonesian citizen from Medan on September 14, 2023. After an investigation was carried out, F was then rescued in Penang area, Malaysia on September 15, 2023.

"The PDRM investigation, kidnapping and torture was confirmed in the Penang area," said Judha. Previously, news circulated about the kidnapping of an Indonesian citizen from Medan while on vacation with three of his friends in George Town, Penang Malaysia on September 7, 2023. The perpetrators of the kidnapping then asked for a ransom of 540,000 ringgit or around Rp. 1.7 billion from the victim's husband.

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