
TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono firmly said he would enforce a legal process against TNI soldiers who sexually harassed seven of their fellow soldiers.

"As I said yesterday, the law will be processed later," said Yudo after attending health service activities and running competitions in the context of the TNI's 78th Anniversary at Monas, Jakarta, Sunday, September 24.

The case of harassment by TNI officers against seven soldiers of Yonarhanud 1/PBCB/Kostrad was revealed after an internal investigation was carried out in the unit.

A TNI soldier, Lettut AAP, is suspected of sexually harassing seven soldiers in the barracks and Kostrad 1 neighborhood. The incident was also widely discussed on social media.

Based on the news circulating, the harassment incident did not occur at any time, but was in effect in a series estimated since November 2021. Currently, First Lieutenant AAP is still being investigated at Denpom Jaya Military Base 1 Jayakarta, Tangerang City, Banten.

First Lieutenant AAP is a battery (drain) commander and had fled his unit for being involved in the harassment case. On Wednesday (20/9), AP surrendered to return to the unit and handed over to Denpom 1 Tangerang.

Before AAP surrendered, Denpom Jaya 1 Jayakarta had examined a number of witnesses and victims before AAP surrendered.

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