
The chairman of the East Java National Commission for Child Protection, Febri Kurniawan Pikulun, urged the East Java Regional Police to handle the case of students who were victims of bullying in Gresik Regency. Because, he said, the case handled by the Gresik Police seemed to be covered up.

"I recommend that investigations be carried out professionally, through university lecturers, the psychology of the East Java Police. The goal is that this case does not seem to be covered up. Just download it so that this case does not happen again, and schools must be held accountable," said Febri, Thursday, September 21.

Not only that, but Febri also questioned the results of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination, by an eye specialist at the Ibnu Sina Hospital, Bambang Tuharianto.

Because, doctor Bambang claimed to have found no signs of violence, in the victim, a SAH student who was blind after being stabbed by a meatball.

Komnas PA will continue to dig up data on cases of student bullying at an elementary school in Menganti District.

"The doctor did not mention that there were no injuries, bleeding, and violence. It was only said that there was a decrease in vision. Then I asked, what caused the decrease in the eye? What is the connection with the child's psychological results. Because this is interconnected, and cannot be separated," he explained.

From the results of eye and psychological examinations, he continued, later it could be used as material for police investigations. That way law enforcement officers can determine whether or not there is a crime.

"This is actually simple, it's just that the report from the alleged action took quite a long time. There have been no reports since the incident on August 7, then there were also reports that the school had not responded to it until the victim reported it on August 28. The result was that the post-mortem did not work optimally," he said.

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