JAKARTA - Allegedly depressed, a woman named Sri Mutiana (31) attempted suicide in the East Flood Canal River (BKT) Jalan Kelurahan IV Duren Wasit, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. However, the attempt to commit suicide was thwarted by residents.
Duren Sawit Police Chief AKP Sutikno said, based on eyewitness testimony from local residents, previously the woman who claimed to be named Sri attempted suicide by throwing herself into the BKT River.
"The actions were immediately discovered by residents around the location. Residents were busy helping the victims," said AKP Sutikno in his report, Thursday, September 21.
According to AKP Sutikno, the victim did not have a identity card. The victim only claimed to be named Sri Mutiana who was 31 years old.
"He said he came from Cirebon. Then the person was taken to the nearest hospital for help," he said.
The woman was then handed over to the East Jakarta Social Service for further guidance.
"There were no signs of abuse on the woman's body," he said.
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