
SOLO - The hotspots at Putri Cempo Final Disposal Site (TPA) Solo are only 30 percent left after various attempts to extinguish the fire were carried out. Assistant for the Economy and Development of the Surakarta City Government, Gatot Sutanto, the water bombing was quite effective in extinguishing fires at the waste management facility. Efforts to extinguish fires with water bombings also did not endanger the safety of firefighters. "If you use personnel (land) it's dangerous. Every time you get swept away by water, there is a waste fall," he said in Solo, Central Java, Tuesday, Gatot explained that every time a helicopter belonging to the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) can transport 3,000 to 4,000 liters of water for water bombing purposes. "That's one transport. The blackout plan (with water bombing) will be carried out until (the fire is really) dead," he said. "The water for the initial blackout wanted to be taken at the March Tirtonadi Dam, but due to obstacles, it was finally taken from Bengawan Solo," he added. Gatot also said that the fire fighting in the north and east of the Putri Cempo TPA was quite difficult because the area was difficult to reach.
"This blackout started to move, because of the position of the slope, it was difficult. Earlier from the sweep it was seen, if the nozzle could only (strengthen) one meter if it was spraying, it could spill more than four meters," he said regarding the water bombing to extinguish the fire that had occurred at Putri Cempo TPA since Saturday (16/9).

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