JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) is collaborating with PT Astra Internasional and a number of other business actors in an effort to overcome environmental problems.
This effort also received full support from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises and the Ministry of State Secretary.
The signing of the cooperation was carried out at the New Renewable Environment, Climate, Forestry and Energy Festival (Festival LIKE) at the Indonesia Arena, GBK Senayan, Jakarta. This was witnessed by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya and Coordinating Minister for SMEs Teten Masduki.
The Director General of Forest Management Lestari KLHK, Agus Justianto, explained that the LIKE Festival was held as a summary of the government's corrective work-work in the fields of the environment, climate, forestry, and EBT. So that in the end, it shows that Indonesia is able to make a positive contribution in the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
"Through this festival, it is also a collaborative and participatory momentum between governments with the community, academics, and the business world," Agus said in his statement, Monday, September 18.
Minister Pratikno appreciated the LIKE Festival activities as a shared momentum in dealing with environmental problems that occurred. Moreover, this is Indonesia's preparation to present a pavilion to show real action in dealing with climate change in the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) in Dubai.
His party also encourages business actors at the LIKE festival to jointly save the environment. So that in the future it is expected to be able to prosper the community at the same time.
LIKE is a momentum, to encourage companies and industries to play a role in sustainable environmental momentum and inclusive growth," said Pratikno.
Astra's Target Manages 10,000 Hectares Of Social Forestry
Meanwhile, Astra's Head of Environment, Bondan Susilo explained, the suppression of cooperation was carried out with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry focusing on social forestry programs covering an area of 1,439 hectares in a number of parts of Indonesia. This step is also an effort to reduce greenhouse gases by 30 percent in accordance with the Astra 2030 Sustainability Aspiration Program
Bondan said, Astra's collaboration with community business groups in managing social forestry has produced a variety of products. Starting from coffee and other fruit plants.
"We are interested in collaboration through social forestry, because it is in accordance with Astra's vision, namely to prosper with the nation," said Bondan.
In addition, said Bondan, Astra targets to manage 10,000 hectras of social forests by 2030.
"We are coordinating with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in stages to achieve that target," he concluded.
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