JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party denied the issue that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto slapped and strangled one of the deputy ministers (wamen) in a meeting.
The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, then asked the media crew to ask directly to the Deputy Minister who was rumored to have been slapped and strangled by Prabowo. Whether the person concerned really experienced violence or not.
"The easiest thing is, friends of journalists just ask the deputy minister directly, is it true what happened, does he feel like it was done by Pak Prabowo," said Dasco at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, September 18.
The news of a minister and future presidential candidate who slapped and strangled the deputy minister in the cabinet meeting room was spread by the Director of Seword Media Utama, Alifurrahman Asyari, through a video uploaded on his YouTube channel SEWORDTV. The video clip was then re-uploaded by the X or Twitter account @triwul82 on Sunday, September 17.
Dasco actually questioned why the issue arose after the Democratic party decided to join the advanced Indonesian coalition (KIM). According to him, the issue was deliberately raised to cover up the joining of Democrats.
"What should be crowded in the media after joining the Democratic party with the advanced Indonesian coalition, but then trying to be covered up by other issues," said Dasco.
Dasco explained that Prabowo was often hit by slanted issues. Among other things, issues regarding the purchase of used aircraft, human rights, to environmental issues. However, Dasco was reluctant to accuse parties who were considered to be playing the false issue.
"We don't want to guess. Our people don't really think about it. The important thing is that we focus on the legislative and presidential elections," he said.
The deputy chairman of the DPR also believes that the people are smart in assessing the issue. He also asked that Gerindra cadres not be provoked by attacks on Prabowo.
"We feel that the people are smart, so yes, we appeal to Gerindra cadres and KIM cadres. We should not be provoked and not be provoked. We will continue to work to concentrate on facing the legislative and presidential elections," said Dasco.
"That then we also pay attention to the news circulating, those who say it are also playing it safe, saying that seeing in the rumor group circulating is in the WhatsApp group, right in the WhatsApp group, it has to be confirmed that's actually that," he continued.
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