JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin investigated his subordinates to see their performance in law enforcement. Moreover, ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).
According to him, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the country's democratization and politics process, prosecutors should not be used as a tool to bring down.
"We are not a political tool, but we are law enforcers whose goal is to solve all legal problems in this country," said the Attorney General in his statement, Saturday, September 16.
Meanwhile, several fields were investigated, including the General Crimes Sector, the Civil and State Administrative Sector, and the Special Crimes Sector.
In the trial to the General Crimes Division, the Attorney General advised Fadil Zumhana as the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes so that the humanist law enforcement process, which has been running on the track, becomes a barometer for other fields.
"This is important because it does not rule out the possibility that humanist law enforcement can be applied to other fields, of course the orientation is to save natural resources, recover the state's finances and economy for the benefit of the wider community," he said.
Then, the Attorney General also investigated the Civil and State Administration Division, advised that his staff should be the prima donna of law enforcement, especially those related to legal assistants, legal audits, and legal opinions. Because not all of them have to end up in court because non-tigation legal action will be a trend in the future.
Meanwhile, during an inspection into the Special Crimes Division which was received directly by Febrie Adriansyah as Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, ST Burhanuddin emphasized that there should be no political interference in law enforcement.
In this political year, all parties will bring politicization and criminalization jargon in law enforcement.
"As long as we are firm, professional, and independent in law enforcement, the public will assess our performance. Stay focused on efforts to return state finances. Law enforcement should not be slack, and continue to work for Indonesia to be free from corruption," said Burhanuddin.
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