
JAKARTA - The police received new clues in the case of the discovery of two bodies suspected of being mothers and children in a house in Cinere, Depok. The instructions are in the form of a 'To You Whomever' document on the laptop.

"Meanwhile, we found one clue. One hint from the laptop that is suspected to be the victim's laptop entitled to you whomever," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Friday, September 8.

The document is believed to belong to one of the victims. Because, the contents seem to describe their death had been planned.

"So it says 'Whoever reads this article, maybe at the time of seeing this writing my mother and I have passed away'," he said.

It's just that Hengki emphasized that the findings of the file in the laptop are not necessarily a will message. The reason is that his party needs to explore further the exact cause of the deaths of the two bodies found.

"Therefore, let the evidence that will direct what happened. Is this a natural death. Is it an accident, an accident. Is it suicide, suicide. Or Homicide, murder. Or a combination of these various analyzes," said Hengki.

Meanwhile, the bodies of two suspected mothers and children with the initials GA and DA were found in a house in the Cinere area, Depok. From a temporary investigation, both are thought to have died since last month.

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