
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that the start of the rainy season in parts of Indonesia this year will occur in November 2023. Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati emphasized that the rainy season after the long dry season caused by the El Nino phenomenon is not directly evenly distributed throughout Indonesia. "The beginning of the rainy season is generally predicted to occur in November 2023. However, the high diversity of climates in Indonesia causes the start of the rainy season not occurring simultaneously in all regions, said Dwikorita in a virtual press conference, Friday, September 9. Dwikorita explained, the beginning of the rainy season in Indonesia is generally closely related to the shift of the east wind or wind from the direction of Australia (Australian monsoon) turning into westerly winds or winds originating from the direction of the Asian continent (Asian monsoon). If the Asian monsoon carrying water vapor from the Pacific Ocean around Asia arrives in Indonesia, Dwikorita said this would soon provide rain clouds and rain season in the Indonesian archipelago. "Based on BMKG predictions, winds originating from Australia are predicted to remain active until November 2023, especially in southern Indonesia, which is closest to Australia. Meanwhile, westerly winds originating from the Asian continent are predicted to come slower than normal," explained Dwikorita. closest to other Asian countries. "It has been confirmed that it has started to experience the rainy season, namely most of Aceh, of course, which is closer to Asia, mostly North Sumatra, parts of Riau, central West Sumatra, and a small part of the Riau Islands," he said. Then in September 2023 there will be around 24 season zones or 3.4 percent which will also enter the rainy season, covering parts of West Sumatra and Southern Riau. Then in October 2023 around 69 season zones or 9.9 percent of the season zone will enter the rainy season, namely Jambi Province, northern South Sumatra, southern Central Java, parts of West Kalimantan, western Central Kalimantan, and most of East Kalimantan. In November 2023, there are about 255 season zones or 36 percent season zones that will enter the rainy season, covering South Sumatra, Lampung, mostly Banten, Jakarta, West Java, most of Central Java, most of East Java, Bali, a small part of West Nusa Tenggara, a small part of East Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, parts of Central Sulawesi, mostly South Sulawesi, northern North Maluku, and southern South Papua. Furthermore, around 153 season zones or 21 percent are expected to enter the rainy season in December 2023, which includes most of northern East Java, parts of West Nusa Tenggara, parts of East Nusa Tenggara, in part. large Southeast Sulawesi, and parts of Maluku.

Meanwhile, from January to May 2024, around 22 season zones or 3.2 percent of the remaining season zones are expected to experience the start of the rainy season. Not only that, there are about 50 season zones or 7.2 percent that have entered the rainy season. About 12 season zones or 1.7 percent have entered the rainy season, and the remaining 16.1 percent are areas that experience rain throughout the year.

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