Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said abdullah revealed the reason for the election of the Chairman of Kadin, Arsjad Rasyid as chairman of the national winning team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo.
It is known that the PDIP DPP held a joint meeting with PPP, Hanura and Perindo which were attended directly by the general chairmen. The meeting discussed various strategic agendas in an effort to win Ganjar Pranowo as a Presidential Candidate for 2024-2029, one of which was the formation of TPN Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election.
"It was agreed in the plenary meeting by appointing Mr. Arsjad Rasyid as Chairman of the Ganjar Pranowo Winning Team," Said abdullah told reporters, Tuesday, September 5.
Later, continued Said, Arsjad will be assisted by deputy chairmen consisting of several elements. Among them are retired TNI and Polri generals, political parties, community leaders and volunteers.
Said explained that Arsjad was elected by acclamation because it was considered a representation of the business world to prove that Ganjar Pranowo's economic policy in the future considered the business friendly aspect.
"We need the role of the business world to encourage economic growth, and improve people's welfare widely, in order to support the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision agenda," said Said.
Arsjad Rasyid is also considered to represent the young, as well as a long experience both academically and in the network. This consideration is considered important because more than 50 percent of voters in the 2024 election are young people. L
"We need the leadership of young people, as well as understanding the character of young people, so that the winning commander understands the right narrative that needs to be conveyed to voters, especially young voters," said Said.
So far, Arsjad Rasyid has also become an important part that has contributed to the success of various economic programs from President Jokowi. His debut was to help President Jokowi's program in building and developing an electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem.
"In line with this, the development agenda of Ganjar Pranowo is to continue the foundation of development that has been built by President Jokowi. And we see, Mr. Arsjad really understands the agenda of our future strategic development agenda, as well as the economic challenges that we must face," he explained.
Said said Arsjad also interacted very well with Ganjar and the bonding of the two had been formed. This is considered to be a good personal capital when Arsjad solves the winner of the Central Java governor.
"Mas Ganjar believes in Mr. Arsjad, the opposite is the same. Pak Arsjad is also ready to devote his energy and thoughts for the victory of Mas Ganjar. This capital of mutual trust is an important foundation," he said.
Said said Arsjad's leadership will be supported by elements of retired TNI and Polri, and community leaders who will complement the strength of the territorial network, in order to master the electoral field that must be won by Ganjar Pranowo. He added that fast movement continues to advance for Advanced Indonesia to become an icon of the Ganjar Pranowo Winning Team.
"And therefore Presidential Candidate Ganjar and the General Chair of TPN will soon form an expert council of various experts and disciplines such as academics, technocrats, including recruiting public policy experts, and others," said Said.
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