WONOGIRI - Chairperson of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP Puan Maharani attended the inauguration of the Wonogiri PDIP DPC office. He was proud after the new office for 'banteng' in Wonogiri.
In addition to Puan, the inauguration of the new Wonogiri PDIP DPC office which was held on Sunday, September 3, was also attended by the Chairman of the Central Java PDIP DPD, Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul, Chairman of the Wonogiri DPC who is also the Regent of Wonogiri Joko Sutopo and Secretary of the Wonogiri DPC who are also Deputy Regent of Wonogiri Edi Santoro.
"I remember a long time ago and when I heard the stories of Mrs. Megawati, the PDI-P offices in some places were located on small roads or alleys or borrowing the private homes of her party administrators," said Puan at the Wonogiri PDIP DPC Office.
With the presence of the new DPC PDIP Wonogiri office, the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI hopes to encourage PDIP cadres. In particular, said Puan, to win back the party bearing the white-nosed bull in the upcoming 2024 election.
"Now in Wonogiri, the PDI-P DPC office can be as good as this. We are proud, this is the PDI-P office, this is the office of a political party that has won twice in a row and God willing, it will soon win the hat-trick hat trick in the 2024 election," said Bung Karno's grandson, burning the spirit of the cadres present.
To realize the PDIP's winning target three times in a row, Puan invites all cadres to close ranks and be upright in the direction of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. Including in winning Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election later.
"Do the Wonogiri bulls want to win a hat-trick!? Do you want to work for the PDI-P to win a hat-trick!? Do you want to uphold the order of the General Chair, Mrs. Megawati!?" asked Puan.
"Ready," replied all the cadres accompanied by applause.
Furthermore, the Chairperson of the PDIP Winning Team in the 2024 General Election said that in the 2014 election in Wonogiri, PDIP managed to get 13 DPRD seats out of a total of 45 seats. Then in the 2019 election, according to Puan, PDIP managed to rise to 28 DPRD seats out of a total of 50 seats.
Puan is also committed to helping all PDIP cadres in Wonogiri to continue the upward trend in the 2024 General Election where the target set is 43 DPRD seats.
"In Wonogiri, the Regent and Deputy Regent are clearly red. The chairman of the DPRD is also red. So complete and strong are the three pillars of our party here," he said.
Even so, Puan reminded all cadres not to be careless. This is because there are many challenges faced to win the 2024 election. Especially now that many parties want to divide the PDIP so that it is weak in welcoming the democratic party.
"But it's not a bull that's called ciut, it's not the PDI-P if you're afraid of fighting. So I asked Wonogiri's bulls, are you fighters!? Are you ready to face the challenge!" asked Puan.
On the other hand, Puan reminded all cadres to continue to go to the field to ensure that PDIP goes hand in hand with the people's mandate. In addition, he also asked all cadres to fight and support PDIP presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo.
"Make sure the people that PDI Perjuangan and Ganjar Pranowo are at the forefront and are the ones who work the most hard in fighting for the welfare of the people," explained Puan.
"Starting at this moment, the Central Java TMP must run fast to work to support the victory of the PDI-P in Central Java Province by garnering support from young people," said Puan.
TMP is considered important considering that the 2024 election will be attended by around 60 percent of novice voters or young voters. Therefore, Puan hopes that TMP can enter various communities of young people to invite and get involved in democratic parties.
"The Central Java TMP must be able to create cheerful, fun, events that are fun so that the younger generation wants to join the TMP to participate in supporting the PDI-P," he said.
"We have to be sure that when every part of the PDI-P works together with their respective roles, then God willing, we can achieve the target of the 2024 election hat trick. Ready! Ready!? Ready!?", concluded Puan.
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