
JAKARTA - The trial of the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) on Saturday, September 2, to ensure operational readiness until it is declared ready to operate. Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that the results will be good.

"We together with KCIC continue to make improvements by conducting a series of trials. Hopefully the trial will run smoothly with good results, so that the community can use it in October 2023," said the Minister of Transportation, quoted from ANTARA.

In addition to trying high-speed trains, the Minister of Transportation also tried a feeder connecting Padalarang Station with Bandung Station.

The Minister of Transportation ensured the integration between the high-speed train and other modes of transportation so that people could get easy access.

A number of developments are being carried out to optimize feeder train travel.

Overall, there will be Skybridge construction at Padalarang, Cimahi, and Bandung Stations, as well as the construction of the Ciroyom Flyover and Pusdikpom which are targeted for completion in 2023.

In addition to feeder trains, there are also a number of connecting access to and from Padalarang Stations, including BTS Trans Metro Pasundan Routes KBP Square, Damri Bus Routes Bandung Square Situ Ciburuy (Via Cimahi) and St's proposal route. Padalarang Lembang by KBB, as well as urban transportation (angkot) Padalarang - Rajamandala Route, Padalarang Route Cimahi Leuwipanjang, and Padalarang - Cimahi route.

In this trial, it began with a review of the readiness of the Halim High Speed Train Station.

Then, the Minister of Transportation traveled by high-speed train from Halim Station to Padalarang Station.

The journey went smoothly, travel time was about 30 minutes with the highest speed of up to 352 km/hour.

After that, the trip continued by riding the Fast Train Feeder Train from Padalarang Station to Bandung Station.

Travel from Padalarang Station to Bandung Station takes 20 minutes of travel time.

Thus, from Jakarta to the city center of Bandung it took only about 50 minutes.

It is targeted that the soft launching of the operation of the high-speed train will begin on October 1, 2023. The operation will be carried out in stages starting from 8 train trips in October.

Then, in November it increased to 28 train trips, in December there were 40 train trips, and January 2024 it reached 68 train trips.

Also attending this activity were Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Deputy Minister of SOEs Rosan Roeslani, Deputy for Infrastructure Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs Septian Hario Seto, Secretary General of the Ministry of Transportation Novie Riyanto, Director General of Railways Risal Wasal, President Director of KAI Didiek Hartantyo, Managing Director of KCIC Dwiyana Slamet Riyadi, President Director of PT Jasa Raharja Rivan Purwanto, President Director of CRIC Ju Guojiang, and editors of the mass media.

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