
JAKARTA - French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday 1 September confirmed that his government would not compromise in enforcing bans on wearing long-paced clothes, such as neglect and gaming, in the school environment. "Schools in our country are secular, free, and mandatory, but especially secular... and religious symbols, whatever it is, are unacceptable (there)," Macron said, according to the BFMTV broadcaster. The French president on Friday made a visit to an upper-middle school in Orange. In the city in southern France, he issued a statement about the ban on imposing waivers and robe in the school environment. Macron's statement is a support for the attitude of Education Minister Gabriel Attal, saying, "We will not compromise on this topic.... We will take action, not just words. "The president of France said special officers will provide support to school principals in sensitive schools, as well as will hold dialogue with students and their families.

Menteri Attal telah mengumumkan bahwa mulai Senin 4 September, yaitu ketika tahun ajaran baru dimulai, murid-murid yang mengenakan baju kurung tradisional tidak diperbolehkan masuk kelas."Mereka (murid-murid) akan dipersilakan datang ke sekolah dan akan ada diskusi untuk menjelaskan kepada mereka maksud aturan tersebut, mengapa keputusan ini diambil, dan mengapa mereka tidak boleh mengenakan abaya atau gamis di sekolah," kata Attal.Pemerintah Prancis dikritik karena mengincar kalangan Muslim dengan mengeluarkan pernyataan dan berbagai kebijakan dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini.Kebijakan yang dikeluarkan itu antara lain berupa penggerebekan ke masjid-masjid dan yayasan amal, juga undang-undang "anti separatisme" yang memuat banyak larangan bagi masyarakat.

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