
The sole judge of the Sumbawa District Court canceled the pretrial lawsuit of former Sumbawa Hospital Director Dede Hasan Basri regarding his determination as a suspect in the alleged gratification case in the procurement of goods or services from the management of funds from the Regional Public Service Agency in 2022. Single judge Saba'aro Zendrato analahkan gugatan pretrial Dede Hasan Basri dalam agenda sidang keputusan di Pengadilan Negeri Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Rabu, 30 Agustus sebagaimana dilansir dari Antara. The judge stated that considering the case file belonging to the former Director of the Sumbawa Hospital, he was included in the agenda of the trial at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court. The consideration refers to the rule of Article 82 paragraph (1) letter d of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) which states that in case a case has begun to be examined by the district court, while the examination regarding pretrial requests has not been completed, the request has been dropped. From the SIPP Mataram District Court, it was recorded that the case file belonging to Dede Hasan Basri had been registered with the number: 22/Pid.Sus-TPK/2023/PN Mtr, dated August 28, 2023. The Mataram District Court in its official information also released the schedule for Dede Hasan Basri's inaugural trial with the agenda of reading the indictment on Tuesday (5/9) at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court. Responding to the decision, the Head of the Intelligence Section of the Sumbawa Attorney General's Office, Zanuar Ikhram, gave his appreciation to the single judge who had fairly made the decision. With this decision, Zanuar said that his party is now preparing for the need to transfer the detention of the suspect from Sumbawa Prison to West Lombok Prison. "To facilitate the trial process which will be held in Mataram, now we are preparing a letter for the transfer of detention," said Zanuar. Prosecutors' investigators have named Dede Hasan Basri as a suspect by applying the suspicion of Article 12 letter e in conjunction with Article 23 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
The evidence that confirms the determination of the suspect is related to indications of Dede Hasan Basri's actions in receiving gratuities while still holding the position of Director of the Sumbawa Hospital. In this case, investigators pocketed state losses resulting from an independent count with a value of at least Rp. 1 billion.

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