
JAKARTA - The inaugural trial of the alleged corruption in the construction project for the Batang Sea Port facility for the 2015 fiscal year which cost the state Rp12 billion was held today. Two defendants in this case were presented online from the detention center (rutan).

The two defendants are the President Director of PT Ujung Galuh Perkasa Syihabuddin as the contractor and PPK of the Class III Port Organizing Unit (UPP) Batang Haryani Octaviantiningsih as the official commitment maker.

"The actions of the defendants [Syihabuddin and Haryani] violated Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption," he said at the Semarang Corruption Court, Wednesday, August 30, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to the prosecutor, the defendant Syihabuddin was known to have worked on the project using the flag of PT Pharma Kasih Sentosa.

In the process, the defendant Syihabuddin is suspected of not completing the work completely.

Meanwhile, the budget allocation for project financing is still disbursed.

On the charges, the two defendants did not file an exception. The trial will continue with the agenda of examining witnesses at the upcoming trial.

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