YOGYAKARTA - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta opens free classes for digital intelligence courses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology or artificial intelligence.
"We want to invite young people to benefit and become winners from digital transformation," said the Dean of Fisipol UGM Dr. Wawan Mas'udi as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.
According to Wawan, the class, which is open for free, offers three class choices, namely Basic Digital Intelligence, Advanced Digital Intelligence, and Digital Transformation and Election Classes.
He said registration was open from August 18 to September 18, 2023.
"Until now there have been around 1,000 people who have registered," said Wawan.
Wawan explained that the opening of the digital intelligence class was intended to create new digital talents and increase the digital readiness of the Indonesian people.
According to him, the opening of free digital intelligence classes was initiated three years ago and 20 classes have been opened which have been attended by more than 20,000 participants from various provinces in Indonesia.
He hopes that the opening of the digital intelligence class will be able to create new digital talents and invite young people to take advantage of the digital transformation opportunities that are currently developing.
"Don't let us be left behind when there are opportunities for digital transformation," he said.
Director General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) Semuel Abrijani said the government is pushing for the acceleration of digital transformation by increasing digital literacy which is still at an index of 3.54.
"Our digital literacy index is still 3.54, an increase from the previous year's 3.19, but that's not enough. It needs to be increased again by encouraging a national digital literacy improvement program by reaching the entire community, because digital transformation should not be left out," he said.
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