
JAKARTA - Minister of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar offered the concept of communal ownership of land for transmigrant areas to improve the welfare of transmigrants.

"We are really preparing for transmigration. For the 2024-2045 long-term development plan (RPJP), the concept that we are sodoring is communal land ownership," said Mendes PDTT in a Hearing Meeting with Commission V of the DPR in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

Mendes PDTT hopes that land ownership in transmigration areas can communally improve and accelerate the welfare of transmigrants.

In addition, he continued, the PDTT Village Ministry will also provide transmigrants with agricultural technology.

"So it can no longer be equipped with hoes and sickles, but it has to go to a land management system that is agricultural mechanized so that it can be ascertained that once they have been plunged they will get something expected from there," he said.

According to him, more modern transmigration breakthroughs are important in order to support development in Indonesia and the ministries he leads continue to strive so that the transmigration program is not the same as moving poverty.

"Although we are still finding several cases of problems related to work ethic that are not appropriate, since there it is not suitable for mapping. So there are still some problems that need to be seriously addressed in transmigration," said Mendes PDTT.

Abdul Halim also said that his ministry continues to strive to increase community participation in the management of the Village Fund, considering that the village fund budget continues to grow every year.

"Honestly, community participation has not been maximized. This means that the community's concern for a development process is actually very transparent," he said.

He said the use of the Village Fund was agreed through the Village Deliberation (Musdes). The Musdes is held openly, anyone can attend, but the community still doesn't really care.

In addition, he continued, the APBDes report which is now installed in strategic places. But unfortunately, public criticism of the APBDes is still quite low.

"Well, this is why we are trying to increase the supervision so that the supervision is maximized," he said.

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