Trying To Escape, Three Perpetrators Of Theft In Bogor Were Shot By The Police
The perpetrators of the theft were secured by the Bogor Police Headquarters (VOI)


Bogor City Police have again uncovered cases of motor vehicle theft (Curanmor) that occurred in the Bogor City area. Five people were arrested by the police and three of them were paralyzed by measurable shootings. The Bogor City Police Satreskrim managed to apprehend five perpetrators. Three of them had to be paralyzed by hot lead because they tried to escape when they were about to be arrested.Bogor City Police Chief, Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso said the five perpetrators who were arrested came from two incidents in different areas. The first incident occurred in the West Bogor area. At that time, the officers patrolling suspected two people who were on the side of the road. Members see suspicious movements.' When he was checked, he found a sharp weapon type of machete in his waist along with a key (T) to break the motorcycle key there were 8 pieces,'' said Bismo, Monday, August 28. Based on the results of the interrogation, both admitted that they had just stolen a motorbike. However, during the development of the two perpetrators tried to escape the officers so they had to be paralyzed in the leg. The second curanmor action occurred in the Tanah Sareal area. At this location, the police managed to secure the three perpetrators who had just acted. These perpetrators were from Cianjur and they committed criminal acts of theft in Bogor and South Cianjur. They have just committed weight theft, we secured the perpetrator and evidence,' he added. One of the perpetrators is a recidivist. Therefore, hot lead landed at his feet.

The five suspects were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning Weight Theft and those with sharp weapons were subject to Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951, with a penalty of 10 years in prison. "Police officers have instincts, when there are certain people with characteristics, this particular behavior will be targeted by officers," said Bismo.

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