
SENTANI - Jayapura District Health Office in Papua Province asked villagers to be aware of the transmission of malaria. Head of the Jayapura District Health Office Khairul Lie, reminded residents to apply a clean and healthy lifestyle to minimize the risk of malaria transmission. malaria disease is caused by plasmodium parasitics, which can be transmitted to humans through the bite of infected female Anopheles mosquito. Khairul said that the habit of local residents urinating and urinating in any place puts them at risk of being bitten by an intermediate mosquito that transmits malaria. Therefore, he advised villagers to build healthy latrines. He also expressed the influence of processing business activities that are not good at increasing the risk of malaria transmission in the village. "Houses in cages during the rainy season can become mosquito nests," he said, "If it is permissible for cattle cages to be far from housing." In order to suppress the risk of malaria transmission, Khairul said, the Health Service conducted counseling on malaria prevention efforts as well as distributing sickles to villagers. According to him, the government has already distributed sickles to residents in 139 villages. "Each house can get two to three villages," he said. People can get malaria if they are bitten by mosquitoes infected with plasmodium parasitices. According to information broadcasts on the official website of the Ministry of Health, female Anopheles mosquitoes that mediate the parasitic transmission of malaria keep their eggs in the water. While taking care of their eggs, mosquitoes search for food from afternoon to dawn and in that process mosquitoes can transmit plasmodium parasitices to humans. The malaria symptoms do not immediately appear when a person is bitten by a parasitic carrier mosquito. People with good immunity the risk of malaria is smaller. People with poor immunity can experience malaria symptoms 10 to 15 days after being bitten by mosquitoes.

Early symptoms of malaria usually resemble flu. In addition, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea also often occur. If not treated immediately, people with malaria can become seriously ill. Parasitic infections that are not treated quickly can cause complications such as kidney failure, convulsions, mental disorders, unconscious (coma), and often lead to death.

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