
MEDAN - Chairman of the North Sumatra Provincial DPRD (North Sumatra) Baskami Ginting said the formation of a tourism police formed by the local police (Polda) was to realize a sense of security for tourists.

"Yes, we appreciate the steps taken by the North Sumatra Police to form a tourism police because it will have positive implications for the arrival of domestic and foreign tourists," Baskami said in Medan as reported by Antara, Friday, August 25.

He said the key to tourism success was to provide tourists with a sense of security and comfort, so they would continue to return to these tourist destinations.

Baskami wants a special sub-directorate that handles tourism to be able to provide comfort for travelers in North Sumatra.

"Filled by personnel with fluent foreign language skills, they will really help tourists who need information about access, location, as well as facilities in our tourism area," he said.

According to him, North Sumatra Province has Lake Toba which is a super priority tourism destination surrounded by areas that also offer their own beauty and characteristics.

"This is the advantage of North Sumatra, we have beautiful natural panorama tourism, then various cultures and cultures and histories," said Baskami.

Previously, the North Sumatra Regional Police formed a Sub-Directorate of the Tourism Police, which personnel were deployed to North Sumatra tourist destinations consisting of 150 personnel at seven police stations in the tourism destination buffer area.

"We manage how this tourism police can run well and work closely with the Lake Toba Super Priority Tourism Destinations Authority (DPSD). This means ensuring how tourists who visit feel security and comfort in this tourist area," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Setya Imam Effendi.

Agung hopes that the presence of tourism police will be able to provide extra services to tourists. On land, continued the Kapolda, this police personnel will be equipped with bicycles, cars, motorbikes and horses.

Meanwhile, in the waters, he said, there were seven ships prepared to anticipate things that were not desirable and of course to help tourists.

"Then to help tourists, now they can connect with service 110. They can also use the police super app feature which provides emergency assistance once pressed or button panic button," he said.

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