
JAKARTA - Member of the High Council of the Democratic Party, Syarief Hasan, assessed that the low electability of Anies Baswedan's presidential candidates compared to his two rivals, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto, was due because until now there has been no declaration of a candidate for deputy president to accompany Anies.

"Kita lihat elektabilitasnya Anies sudah mulai tergerus kan. Nah itu salah satu bukti bahwa tidak ada deklarasi (cawapres) yang jelas," kata Syarief saat ditemui di Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis, 24 Agustus.

Syarief said that his party hopes that Anies can choose who his companion will be in the 2024 Presidential Election. So, it is hoped that Anies' electability will creep up again.

"Hopefully the declaration can be faster. Because the democrat also encourages the declaration to be made as soon as possible. Because otherwise we can lose time and we can lose the moment," said Syarief.

"These 3 coalition parties have agreed for the coalition and the vice presidential candidate to be handed over to Anies. Now, Anies must immediately declare who the vice presidential candidate is, don't delay it again," he continued.

Similarly, the chairman of the Democratic Party Election Winning Body Andi Arief views Anies' electability as lower than Ganjar and Prabowo because the former governor of DKI Jakarta had announced his vice presidential election for too long.

"Yes, later when the pair declaration has been made, hopefully it will go up. The problem is that. The problem is because there has been no declaration yet," said Andi.

In fact, Andi predicts Anies' electability can increase to surpass the two presidential candidates from other coalition parties. "If the declaration has been made, we can compete. All machines will move later," he said.

Litbang Kompas stated that Ganjar Pranowo's electability showed an increase in the latest survey conducted from July 27 to August 7, 2023. Prabowo Subianto seemed stagnant and Anies Baswedan experienced a decline.

In the Kompas Litbang top of mind survey, Ganjar's electability was at 24.9 percent, Prabowo 24.6 percent, and Anies 12.7 percent.

Meanwhile, in the simulation of three names, Ganjar's electability was 34.1 percent. Meanwhile, Prabowo was 31.3 percent and Anies was 19.2 percent.

It is known, the Kompas Research and Development survey involved 1,364 respondents in 38 provinces spread across 331 villages/kelurahan in Indonesia, with a margin of error +/- 2.65 percent.

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