
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said the tourist destinations Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) and Ancol provide incentives for electric vehicle users as an effort to overcome air pollution that is currently hitting Jakarta.

"Taman Mini Indonesia Indah and tourist destination Ancol have provided incentives for the use of electric vehicles," said Sandi at The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 21.

He explained that Taman Mini Indonesia Indah made a new regulation where visitors who brought fossil fuel vehicles could only enter the parking area.

Meanwhile, Ancol provides free entry for tourists who use electric vehicles from July 10 to December 31.

"This Mini Indonesia Park requires visitor vehicles to only be carried to the parking area and can tour using electric-based tourism vehicles. For Ancol tourist destinations, it will be free from July 10 to December 31, 2023 for electric vehicles," said Sandiaga.

Sandi said he would evaluate the incentive policy, if it gave positive results, he said, he would implement a similar incentive policy in other tourist destinations.

"We will evaluate if this results are positive, we will increase this (providing incentives) in additional destinations," said Sandi.

Sandi said that if air pollution in Jakarta gets good treatment, it will not have an impact on the target of tourism visits both from within the country and abroad.

"We believe that if handled properly, God willing, it will not have an impact on the achievement targets of foreign tourists and domestic tourists," said Sandi.

In addition, as a step to overcome Sandi pollution, he has instructed employees within the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to do work from home (WFH).

The instruction to implement WFH announced by Sandi through a Circular is an action in dealing with the economic impact on the tourism sector and other sectors at large.

"The assessment and assessment of the team is independent of the possibility of the widespread impact of pollution on the economy, not only in the tourism sector and the creative economy. And therefore, we immediately moved quickly. We have circulated a circular on August 16, 2023 regarding the Implementation of Official Tasks for Head Office Employees in the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy," said Sandiaga.

In addition to as an action to prevent the impact of air pollution on the economy, the WFH policy to reduce air pollution is also implemented because Indonesia will host several international activities.

"We will be the organizers of several international events such as the ASEAN Summit, and the FIBA World Cup and we make sure that air pollution in Jakarta does not worsen," said Sandi.

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